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Final Submissions


Because this class requires you to write real grant proposals for real non-profits, each of your final proposals will be different. Some of you will be submitting them electronically and directly to your potential funders and some of you will be giving material to your non-profits for them to use as they prefer. For grading purposes, however, we need to submit reasonably uniform final projects. So, your task is to take what you've written in whatever form and paste it into a paper document according to the specifications below. Try your best to conform to the standard components headings. You will have the opportunity to explain any major discrepancies in your letter of transmittal (to me) if you think I won't be able to figure it out.



Your final proposal should include the following elements in the following order.

  • Letter of transmittal (from you to me)

  • Cover page with abstract

  • Introduction

  • Organization Background

  • Project Overview (should be broken down into sections--problem/solution/cost summary; mission, goals, objectives)

  • Evaluation

  • Sustainability

  • Cost/Budget

Optional components should be included if they are parts of your proposal, for example,

  • Letter of interest (LOI)

  • Table of contents

  • Methods

  • Key personnel bios

  • Resources

  • Partnerships

  • Appendices

  • Other


See notes from Plan of Work and Progress Report assignments regarding formatting.


Proposals should be submitted in double pocket folders with the letters of transmittal in the left pockets and the proposals in the right pockets. Pages should be loose, no staples or paper clips.


Letters of transmittal are from you to me and function to introduce the document. They should address the following topics.

  • Brief overview of your non-profit and the project this grant would fund

  • Brief history of your work on this project

  • An evaluation of your progress over time (what did you learn from the experience that you made your final proposal better?)

  • What did you learn in this class?

  • How do you see yourself using anything you learned in this class in the future?

  • Instructions for how to read this document (explain any language or conventions that will help me find things)


Electronic Copies: If you have written/submitted an electronic copy of your proposal and your non-profit is willing to let you share it with me, please do. You may do this by emailing me the link or printing screen shots and adding them to the print copy folder. Please address whether or not you have included this component in your letter of transmittal.


Due Date: April 30

Weight: 20 points


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